The Embrace Nature project is jointly developed by the municipality of Bobov Dol (Lead Beneficiary), Public Utility Company “Mediana” Niš (PP2) and Students Media World Association (PP3) and is stimulating the cooperation on both sides of the border and benefiting from synergies in the field of nature protection on the territory of the Bobov Dol and Niš municipalities.
Bobov Dol Municipality
Bobov Dol Municipality is located in southwestern Bulgaria and is located in the eastern part of Konyavska Mountain and the Razmetanitsa Plain, to the south on a territory of 206.2 sq. кm. The municipality consists of 18 settlements: the town of Bobov Dol, which is also the administrative center and 17 villages, united in 16 town halls.
The preserved natural environment, the diverse landscape and the historical landmarks in the Municipality of Bobov Dol provide opportunities for the development of modern and alternative tourism in all its forms.
Student Media World Association
Student Media world association /SMWA/ is a Bulgarian NGO, based in the town of Blagoevgrad. It was established in 2010. The mission of the Association is to foster modern and sustainable development values and practices through bridging society and environment, explore and address environmental challenges while building skills in teamwork and communication, research, data collection and analysis, community engagement, and reflection. SMWA’s efforts are to help in building strong and responsible civil society, good governance and accountable business to safeguard our environment and improve people’s life.
Today the Public Utility Company “Mediana” Niš (JKP Mediana-Nis) is a modern organization of 938 full-time staff, with modern fleet and equipment, and with implemented internationally recognized standards ISO 9001/2015, ISO 14001/2015 and OHSAS 18001/2015.
Since the beginning of organized sanitary and communal activities in Niš in 1878, until the formation of the Public Utility Company “Mediana” Niš (hereinafter referred as PUC “Mediana” Niš) in 1990, the basic functions of PUC “Mediana” Niš in the context of entrusted activities are related to the stable and high-quality satisfaction of the municipal needs of the population and other users of environmental utility services in the territory of the City of Niš.