
Embrace Nature Roundtable

On 11-12th August 2022 was held a Roundtable of the Embrace Nature project in Nis.

The event took place in City Smart Club in Nis, Serbia. Project partners had presentations and shared experience from the project implementation, pointing out the benefits, weaknesses and lessons learned. Then participants had discussions, exchange of expertise and shared knowledge on: practices in the field of preservation and sustainable use of natural resources, opportunities and pressing matters where the CB societies could effectively cooperate to solve common problems in the field of sustainable use of natural resources.

The roundtable was attended by representatives of project partners, experts and environmental stakeholders.

The project is funded by Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Bulgaria-Serbia Programme 2014 – 2020. The leading partner is the municipality of Bobov Dol (Bulgaria), in partnership with Public Utility Company "Mediana" Niš (Serbia) and Students Media World Association (Bulgaria).